- Mining, Oil and Gas and Industrial Permitting
- Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions
- Environmental Enforcement Proceedings
- Mineral Development Agreements
- Federal Indian Law Proceedings
- Permitting Feasibility Studies
- Public Land Use Proceedings
- Due Diligence Reviews
Practice Focus
- Environmental permit, administrative appeal, judicial review and enforcement proceedings under the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, groundwater protection laws, EPCRA, NEPA, Endangered Species Act, NHPA, public lands laws, and mined land reclamation laws.
Environmental remediation, defense, settlement and cost contribution proceedings under CERCLA and state analogues.
Due diligence reviews and environmental permit feasibility studies in support of acquisitions and financing of mining and industrial properties and businesses.
Mining claims location and conflict proceedings, oil and gas leasing, mineral materials sales contracting, and metallic minerals leasing under the General Mining Laws, Mineral Leasing Act, Materials Act, and Indian Mineral Development Act.
Right-of-way, special use permit and land exchange proceedings under FLPMA and R.S. 2477.
Mineral exploration and development agreements.
Financial assurance and collateral claims proceedings.
Public records requests and appeals under FOIA and state analogues.
Environmental rulemaking proceedings and appeals.