Specific Projects — Consulting
1986 to 1995
U.S. Department of Defense
Air Force Base
- Remedial investigation of historic impacts to soil and groundwater.
- Chemical analysis of soil and groundwater samples.
U.S. EPA Region 2
Historic Waste Oil Processing Facility – Superfund Site
- Remedial investigation of historic impacts to soil and groundwater.
- Health and safety planning/oversight of remedial action.
State Highway Authority
Right of Way Expansion
- Remedial investigation of historic impacts to soil and groundwater on multiple industrial properties encompassed by a right of way expansion.
- Health and safety oversight of geotechnical drilling for the expansion.
- Section 404 permitting and development of comments on NEPA EIS.
Custom Chemical Manufacturer
Chemical Manufacturing Facility
- Health and safety planning/oversight of remedial action.
- Human health risk assessment.
Gas and Electric Utility
Manufactured Gas Plant Site
- Remedial investigation of historic impacts to soil and groundwater.
- Chemical analysis of soil and groundwater samples.
Industrial Detergent Manufacturer
Detergent Manufacturing Facility
- Remedial investigation of historic impacts to soil and groundwater.
- Development and implementation of RAP.
- Post-remedial environmental assessment.
Anthracite Coal Producer
Coal Fines Recovery Facility
- Remedial investigation of historic impacts to soil and groundwater.
- Pollutant fate and transport modeling.
City Attorney’s Office
Generator Liability
- Record review of EPA’s designation of city as CERCLA PRP.
- Support in negotiation of de minimis settlement and release of liability.